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Flexsave for RDS

If you're on a dedicated resold account, you can enable the opt-in feature Flexsave for Amazon RDS to receive a discount for your on-demand usage of DB instances.

Capabilities and eligibility

Flexsave for Amazon RDS supports:

  • DB instances for single and multiple Availability Zones, as well as clusters.

  • DB Instances for the MySQL and PostgreSQL database engines, but not the Amazon Aurora database engine.

  • DB Instances of any size in the instance families db.t3, db.m6g and db.r6g.

  • The North Virginia (us-east-1) and Ireland (eu-west-1) regions.

For a combination of Database Engine/Instance Family/Region to be eligible for Flexsave, it needs to maintain stable usage of at least 6 normalized units across all DB instances over the last 30 days; the instances can be of different sizes.


Flexsave doesn't support DB Instances for the Amazon Aurora database engine.

Enable Flexsave for RDS

To enable Flexsave for Amazon RDS:

  1. Sign in to the DoiT Console, select Savings from the top navigation bar, and then select Flexsave AWS.

  2. If you have eligible workloads that are not covered by your own RIs, you'll see the option to enable Flexsave for Amazon RDS on the Flexsave dashboard.

    Enable Flexsave for Amazon RDS

  3. Select Enable for RDS.

RDS coverage

If you've enabled Flexsave for RDS, you can run the Flexsave RDS preset report to better understand how Flexsave covers your usage of on-demand DB instances. If the feature is not yet enabled, you can run the report to assess how Flexsave could cover your usage.

  1. Sign in to the DoiT Console, select Analytics from the top navigation bar, and then select Reports.

  2. Find and run the preset report named Flexsave RDS.

    Flexsave RDS coverage preset report.

    The workloads are first grouped by the label cmp/flexsave_eligibility and filtered by the following values:

    • flexsave_eligible_covered: Workloads covered by Flexsave.

    • flexsave_eligible_customer_covered: Workloads that are eligible for Flexsave while currently covered by your own Reserved DB Instances.

    • flexsave_eligible_uncovered: Workloads that are eligible for Flexsave but not covered yet. This could happen for various reasons, for example, you haven't enabled Flexsave yet or the usage fluctuates a lot.

    The usage is further broken down by SKU and the following system labels:

    • aws/database_engine: The database engine of your DB instance. Examples: PostgreSQL, MySQL.

    • aws/instance_type_family: The instance family associated with the given usage. Examples: T3, M6G, R6G.

    • aws/normalization_factor: The associated normalization factor of the reserved DB instance. For more information on the normalization factor, see Size-flexible reserved DB instances.

If you choose to build your own report based on the preset, you can include flexsave_ineligible, which applies to usage that does't qualify for Flexsave.