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Flexsave for AWS FAQ

What changes should I expect in AWS Console?

For customers on a dedicated resold or a SaaS account, Flexsave dynamically adds/removes AWS accounts (with account names like fsXXXXX) to/from your AWS Organization.

When Flexsave accounts are added to your AWS organization, you may see savings in the AWS Cost Explorer that do not show in your DoiT Cloud Analytics reports.

Some AWS fees (e.g., AWS Support Plans, taxes, and so on) are proportional to your cloud spend. When we attach Flexsave accounts to your AWS organization, we reduce your overall cloud spend, which may also reduce other AWS fees.


AWS Cost Explorer and DoiT Cloud Analytics behave differently. If your DoiT reports are not configured to account for reduced AWS fees, you may notice higher savings in the AWS Cost Explorer than in your DoiT reports.

Can I use Flexsave if I already have commitments from AWS?

Yes, you can.

Flexsave works exclusively with your on-demand compute usage and excludes anything already covered by your own commitments.

In addition, if you're on a resold account, you also get AWS EDP discounts (or other discounts from DoiT if applicable)-adjusted prices on Flexsave.

How soon after enabling Flexsave should I see the savings?

Customers on a dedicated resold or a SaaS account should expect to see savings within 72 hours.

Customers on a consolidated resold account should expect to see savings in the first week of the subsequent month after activation.

Why aren't my savings showing up?

Savings always show with a three-day delay. For example, if today were the 23rd day of the month, your savings would be accurate to the 20th. At the beginning of a new month, the savings will show on the 4th day of the month.

Can I use Flexsave with discount sharing disabled?

Unfortunately, no.

Flexsave requires customers on dedicated resold or SaaS accounts to enable Reserved instances and Savings Plans discount sharing in their AWS billing preferences.